New York Folklore
New York Folklore (NYF) fosters the study, promotion, and continuation of folklore and folklife of New York’s diverse cultures through education, advocacy, support, and outreach. New York Folklore was founded in 1944, with a populist orientation and a strong membership base among people interested in folklore.

Devesh Chandra plays and discusses traditional Indian music.
Iconography at Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Church in Albany, New Yok by Efthimios Altin Stoja. Efthimios began working at Saint Sophia Church in 2006
Material Culture
Photo of Jim Gallman, Angelica’s (self-proclaimed) winningest player at Roque, an American derivative of croquet.
Photos of Gita Sunuwar at the Rochester Museum and Science Center, practicing Bhutanese-Nepali crochet.
Material Culture
After moving to the United States, Ray Amato, Sr. started shoeing at the racetrack in 1940. Ray Amato is a second generation farrier, or horse-shoer, as he is known in the parlance of the thoroughbred racetrack.