Richard Koski, Michael Ludgate and Katrina Mackey perform "Kallen Valssi" (Carl's Waltz) as part of a 2018 NYSCA Folk Arts Apprenticeship grant.
Elida Sanabria Aranda prepares chipa, a traditional Paraguayan snack, in preparation for a visit from the Virgen of Caacupé and the reciting of the rosary, conducted by the Comisión Virgen de Caacupé Westchester, NY.
The NY Ghanaian Dance & Drum Unity Ensemble performs Kete Ashanti royal court music as part of the City of Mount Vernon and ArtsWestchester's program "An Eveneing of West African Dance and Drumming."

"Slava Tebye Bozha (Glory to You Lord)" - a call-and response field song ending in a wedding ceremony. Valentina Kvasova adds to the description in an interview at Brooklyn Arts Council
"Kolechko (Ring)" - a lyrical tune about a ring symbolising the strained relations between two lovers is shared by Cossack singer Valentina Kvasova at the Brooklyn Roots Festival 2019.
The Street Musical Club performs Changsheng Temple on July 7th at the Salvation Army in Bensonhurst and interview with Ng Yee Chuk.
Wakhi speaker Rahila Babar, originally from Upper Hunza in Pakistan but now living in New York, sings a Khowari song, accompanied by musician Shahid Ahmed Khan
Wakhi speaker Rahila Babar, originally from Upper Hunza in Pakistan but now living in New York, sings a famous Wakhi song, accompanied by musician Shahid Ahmed Khan.
Bnat Houariyat, (The girls of Houara) presents a style of Houara (also known as T’houarit) reserved for women.
This video is a segment of Bnat Houariyat, (the girls of Houara), an all women’s folklore group that plays genres named Chaabi and Houara under the leadership of Khadija el Ouarzazia.